How to Align Learning Programs with Business Goals: What L&D Needs to Know

As an L&D practitioner, are you focusing on the right things? Just as your organization’s objectives evolve, your learning programs need to evolve so they align with those overall business goals.

And it’s just as important to create programs that build employees’ knowledge and help them meet their objectives. After all, many people tend to be happier and more productive when they’re good at their jobs, right?

So, unless your L&D programs are providing effective, efficient employee training while also supporting organizational objectives and priorities, your programs probably aren’t serving their intended purposes. And if that’s the case, what exactly is the point of all your hard work?

Let’s get aligned with L&D goals.

In this blog series, we cover the initial awareness and planning stages for L&D programs. Specifically, we’ll discuss practical examples of aligning L&D initiatives with ever-changing organizational goals from various industries and departments. During the next few months, you’ll learn how to:

  1. First, analyze what’s going on in the business through practical, everyday explanations and industry-specific scenarios.
  2. Then, align your L&D program with your organization’s overall goals and KPIs.
  3. And finally, make data-driven decisions when it comes to learning and training efforts needed to make positive impacts.

Why focus on these areas?

1. You can’t impact what you can’t define.

You can’t analyze the impact of learning or training if the desired impact isn’t defined. And the ultimate impact is always related to productivity or profitability. Thus, find out what needs to be addressed in the other disciplines of the business before developing or changing your L&D approach.

2. You can’t make the right decisions without all the facts.

Your organization may need to improve revenue performance one year, and then focus on improving product quality the following year. And because your organization will most likely require continual improvement across multiple facets, it’s your job to ensure you’re on top of the organization’s current needs and stakeholder goals so you can apply the appropriate remedy.

In other words, L&D’s purpose isn’t just about designing enjoyable learning experiences. It’s also about creating learning programs that counter or even prevent an organization’s challenges while enhancing productivity and profitability.

3. L&D’s job is never really done.

Once your program aligns with and supports organizational goals, it’s time to take the next step and dive into learning and training analytics so you can analyze what’s working, what’s not, and modify programs accordingly.

Key Takeaways

This series will cover the following industries and how L&D can play a role in each one:

And we'll also explore why it's important to create positive working relationships and how you can maintain them:

Up Next: Industry Focus, Financial Services

The first part of our Business Goal Alignment series focuses on several industry-specific scenarios and how L&D program alignment applies in each example. Don’t miss out as we start by discussing the world of financial services. Sign up for Watershed Insights to have the next post sent straight to your inbox.

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And the learning measurement survey says...

See how global changes have affected the world of learning and development by reading the results from our sixth annual survey with LEO Learning. It shares an evolving picture of L&D’s relationship with measurement and business impact—including real-world examples and extended commentary.

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