Watershed's Dashboard Quick Filters [UPDATE]

Dashboard Quick Filters allow users to filter multiple reports without needing to access Report Builder, Watershed’s report creation tool.

These filters, which aren’t saved, are easy to use and perfect for providing limited control to users who aren’t familiar with Watershed.

Quick Filters appear at the top of Watershed's dashboards.

Why did Watershed develop Dashboard Quick Filters?

Dashboard Quick Filters allows users to view and customize dashboards without changing dashboards for other users. In addition, the filters are easy to implement and require minimal training.

Some of Watershed’s clients have hundreds of users accessing the app to view the same dashboards. Our clients want each user to be able to filter dashboards to meet their respective needs without making permanent changes.

How does it work with Report Builder's filters?

Dashboard Quick Filters work in addition to filters set up in Report Builder (formerly called Explore). Users cannot change Report Builder-configured filters with Dashboard Quick Filters.

How do I add Quick Filters to my dashboards?

It’s simple! When setting up a dashboard, select which filters to enable in the Quick Filters section. For more information about setting up and using filters, check our help section.

Quick Filters can be enabled when creating new dashboards.

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To learn more about using all of Watershed's features, visit our help section. You're also welcome to contact us if you have any questions or need help.

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