Measure the Business Impact of Learning

Prove your learning program’s effectiveness and impact.

Learning measurement and proving training impact and effectiveness can be hard. Most organizations don’t even have the tools or data they need to get started. Learning takes many forms, so why should you be limited to measuring training in an LMS?

You can’t exactly improve what you can’t measure. And let’s face it, completion and activity reports won’t cut it anymore. Your company's leaders want to see results—such as training impact and performance improvement data—that align with organizational goals and priorities.

Deliver training programs from any system—anytime, anywhere. Watershed makes learning measurement and evaluation easy with tools to aggregate and measure everything in one place. Use our learning analytics software to get the L&D insights you need to effectively measure and validate your learning and development investments.

With Watershed, you can:

  • Track blended learning from coaching and collaboration to instructor-led training and simulations, and more.
  • Discover self-directed learning—including video, social, curated content, web search, custom learning paths, and more.
  • See the most popular and impactful content so you can cut scrap learning and identify gaps in your training programs.
  • Identify your best learners, what they’re doing, and how they’re learning.
  • Automate reporting on learning programs and stop wasting time manually creating them.
  • Connect training with business outcomes.

Ready to get started?

Our team of learning and technology experts is here to help you build an evidence-based learning strategy so you can get the most out of Watershed—and your learning programs.

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