Slice Your L&D Data with Watershed's Pie Report Feature

Every March 14, I observe Pi Day—not by celebrating the mathematical constant π—but by eating a shameful amount of pie. This year, however, I’m adding something new to my celebratory festivities, and that’s announcing Watershed's Pie Chart Report visualization to the Report Builder!

Watershed's Pie Report gives you even more options to dish up beautiful, new reports and slice your data however you like.

For example, you can use the report to track compliance.

Show the most popular types of content on your Learning Experience Platform.

Represent how people answer assessment questions.

Track how much pie you've eaten.

Who can see the Pie Report?

Once you create a Pie Report on one of your dashboards, anyone with access to your dashboard can see the report.

Who can create Pie Reports in Watershed?

Anyone who can access Explore can create Pie Reports. For the most part, this means only admins are able to create Pie Reports.

Ready to serve up that pie?

Use these additional resources to start using Pie Reports in Watershed.

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To learn more about using all of Watershed's features, visit our help section. You're also welcome to contact us if you have any questions or need help.

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