Report Dimensions, Verb and Activity Display, and Me Filters

Our latest Watershed updates include the ability to control verb and activity display, to organize reports by multiple dimensions, and use the Me filter with the Person report.

Updates to Verb and Activity Display

The new verb and activity display enable you to take advantage of the “sentence-like” structure of xAPI data in your Leaderboard or Heatmap reports. Until recently, it was only possible to show the Verb IDs in these types of Watershed reports.

Now, you can display the actual verb and activity names as measures—so reports read more like a sentence! This is especially helpful for viewers who aren’t familiar with reading xAPI data, or if you want the flexibility to add specific measures to these xAPI “sentences.”

How athenahealth is using verb and activity display

David Rosenfeld, Enablement Instructional Design Manager at athenahealth, has already put these updates into action. His team has two major reporting strategies:

  1. monitoring incoming data during a launch, and
  2. analyzing data at the end once it’s all collected.

When it comes to monitoring qualitative data, it can be challenging to keep up with the volume of free text feedback and/or the overall sentiment of how a program is being received. Not all stakeholders at athenahealth are trained in xAPI, so functionality such as Data Search isn’t useful to them.

Now, they use the updated verb and activity display to design custom feedback reports, where stakeholders can see the feedback for themselves as Watershed receives the data.

The new verb and activity display provides more readable live-updating data during launch in this simulated athenahealth data.

“Our whole team can monitor their custom feedback reports in a very readable format, now with added context,” David says. “Our stakeholders know the usual ‘start and complete’ verbs, but they may not be used to the other, more nuanced verbs (such as ‘liked’ or ‘disliked’) in our xAPI Governance. Getting our stakeholders familiar with seeing verb names actually broadens our xAPI governance to our entire L&D team, and beyond.”

We’re really excited to see how this launch goes and glad we can be a part of it.

Multiple Dimensions

You can now organize your reports by multiple dimensions—enabling you to see people’s progress and performance across multiple activities all in one place.

Multiple dimensions used in a leaderboard report to track completions and scores across multiple activities

When setting up a measure-based report (e.g. a Leaderboard), choose to organize your report by:

  • Person and Activity, or
  • Activity and Person.

You can choose to represent both in the same column or in separate columns.

Configuration of a Leaderboard report with multiple dimensions

One client is already using Multiple Dimensions to help with the rollout and adoption of badging within their organization. Using data from Credly, they wanted to see when their employees earn badges, when they claim badges, and when the badge expires.

Leaderboard tracking badging data from Credly using multiple dimensions

They’re using this to share information amongst managers about progress with badging and to alert individuals directly when their badges are about to expire or have expired.

Person Report + Me Filter

The Person report is a personal transcript for your learners. It collects activity and scores from all of your data sources and puts it in one place. Now this also works with the Me filter, so when individual learners enter Watershed, they can see their personal transcript as part of the full dashboards you create.

The Me filter used on a Person report to view your own transcript history alongside a curated dashboard

Upcoming Change: No Data Message

There's an upcoming change that could have an impact on your Watershed users’ experience—the message that appears when there is no data to match the conditions of a report will soon be changing.

Currently, the text reads “Report Data Unavailable - This may be because the data hasn't been added yet or your administrator hasn't granted the required permissions.”

We are simplifying this text to “This Report Has No Data.” Our attempt at making a general message that would work in all situations ended up confusing most users and not working for anybody. We believe this new text will be clearer and reduce confusion.

This data message will be released as part of the releases the week of September 14 (Sandbox on Monday, September 14 and Production and EU Wednesday, September 16).

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