How to Use Scatter Plots & Line Charts in Watershed

Watershed's product feature highlights include two new Report Builder visualizations, an impersonation option to fine tune what users see, and updates to some of your favorite features.

Two More L&D Report Builder Visualizations in Watershed

Last month we introduced you to three new ways to visualize your data in Report Builder. This month, we’re adding two more visualizations to the lineup: Scatter Plots and Line Charts.

1) Scatter Plot

Use scatter plots to visualize how one of your measures (e.g., KPIs or data points) is affected by another measure. Plot training performance against real-world performance to see if training scores affect real-world KPIs.

See how individuals perform on two activities plotted on the two axes at the same time. Or, overlay quadrants over a scatter chart to help classify people by their performances.

2) Line Charts

Line charts allow you to plot your measures in a familiar fashion. Data points are connected by lines so that you can easily spot patterns or trends with your data. 

You can use a line chart to look at one measure or put multiple measures on the same line chart.

User Impersonation

Watershed allows you to fine tune the data and reports your users can see.

For example, you can give each sales manager in your organization the ability to see sales training data from each member of their teams, but prevent a sales manager from seeing data related to other salespeople or reports that aren’t related to sales.

At the same time, you can give analysts who work in the learning department access to wider sets of data so they can see larger trends across different parts of your organization.

Given the wide number of roles and data sets available to large organizations, we’ve added the ability to “impersonate” any Watershed user. With our impersonation feature, you’ll be able to view dashboards as any of your users.

This way, you can make sure the right people are seeing the right data and help when anyone has questions. If you’re an admin, you can use Impersonation by going to View Dashboards As on the Settings menu.

Import Group Hierarchy CSV

Most Watershed customers use our powerful Groups API to represent their organizations’ hierarchies in Watershed. Once your organization’s hierarchy is represented in Watershed, you can group data by different teams and compare results and performances across different groups.

Many clients have requested the ability to create groups outside of the API, so we’ve introduced the ability to upload a CSV to the app to create a complex organization and assign people to different groups.

Hide Sections of Activity Detail Report

Our powerful Activity Detail report provides insights on how individuals interact with a wide variety of tools and assessments.

While the report automatically hides sections—such as advanced question analysis, interaction timelines, and scoring comparison when you don’t have relevant data—we’ve learned that even when you have relevant data, you might not want to show or share every bit of the card.

So we’ve given you the ability to hide any section you’d like. Let us know if you’d like us to help you hide sections.

More Measures on Correlation Report

The Correlation report allows Watershed users to explore relationships between multiple data measures and helps surface dependent relationships.

For instance, you could use a Correlation report to show a dependency (or lack of dependency) between scores on sales training and actual sales numbers.

Up until this month, users could only add two measures to a Correlation report without Advanced Configuration. Now, can add as many measures as you’d like, giving you more chances to uncover relationships and discover insights into your data.

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