Updated Colors, Fonts & Branding in Watershed

We’re excited to let you know that Watershed will soon be updating its brand colors and logo! Along with this will come some changes to colors and fonts within the app. We’re planning to fully release the update at the beginning of June and want to give you enough head’s up in case you need to notify your users of the changes.

Below is a short Q&A followed by some comparison screenshots of the new appearance next to the current appearance for organizations with and without custom colors.

What’s changing in Watershed?

The primary changes are:

  • the default Watershed app colors,
  • the typeface used in the app, and
  • the Watershed logo.

Functionally, there are no changes to any of Watershed’s features, and we’re not changing locations of any titles, commands, or buttons.

Other, smaller changes include:

  • The dashboard name will no longer be repeated between the top row of reports and the dashboard menu.
  • The letter menu in the Report Builder under the People filter has been updated to not highlight unavailable letters.
  • Activity reports will now show Successes as green and Failures as red.

What if I’ve uploaded my logo to my organization?

Watershed allows organizations to replace the Watershed logo by uploading their own logos. Custom uploaded logos will not be affected by the change.

What if my organization uses custom colors?

Watershed allows Enterprise clients to use custom colors in the app in place of the default colors. If your organization uses custom colors, they will remain the same when we change the default colors. The default typeface will change, though. Below you can see examples of how the typeface looks before and after the updates.

An additional LESS variable will also be added for custom client LESS files. Enterprise clients with custom colors in their accounts by March 27, 2020 will not have to make any changes to their configuration, and we will take care of adding the new LESS variable to match the existing branding.

When will this update be released?

We will be releasing this to our U.S. Sandbox environment on June 1, and to our U.S. Production and EU environments on June 3. We will continue to keep you updated.

Enough with the words! What does it look like?

Here’s what your account will look like if you don’t have custom colors set:

(Note: we’re not ready to debut the new Watershed logo, so these screenshots use our current logo.)

For comparison, here’s a current view of a similar dashboard:

Here’s the new Report Builder appearance:

And the current Report Builder for comparison:

Here’s the new Data Search appearance:

And the current Data Search appearance:

What does it look like if I’ve set custom colors?

If you’ve set custom colors, here’s what an example account will look like after the updated changes:

Here’s the same branding before the change:

Here’s Report Builder in an account with custom branding after the changes:

Here’s Report Builder in an account with custom branding before the changes:

Here’s Data Search in an account with custom colors after the changes:

Here’s Data Search in an account with custom colors before the changes:

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