Connect Your Kaltura Video Data with Watershed for Enhanced Video Analytics

Make data-driven decisions about your Kaltura Media Space video content with learning analytics from Watershed.

Watershed unlocks your Kaltura Media Space data so you can keep track of your video content, allowing you to track your ROI from your video content. Detailed video analytics empower you to dig into the detail of individual videos to highlight what causes learners to switch off versus what keeps them coming back to watch again and again. So stop guessing and start making data-driven decisions about your video content today.

Watershed’s reports and dashboard clearly visualize data, making it easy for your managers and L&D team to spot trends and get ahead of the curve. And once you’ve connected Watershed with Kaltura, you can add other data sources to build a picture of your learner behavior, program and platform performance across your entire ecosystem.

Get a deeper understanding of your video library usage.

Scrap Videos

Uncover the videos that are wasting space on your platform: those videos with low view counts and high early drop off rates. Consider dropping these videos from the platform and using them as examples of what not to look for in new video content.

Popular Videos

Identify the videos that learners repeatedly rewatch, those that have broad appeal across your organization, and those that have the most likes and comments. You can use this data to determine what content you should emulate and promote.

Scrap Videos

Uncover the videos that are wasting space on your platform: those videos with low view counts and high early drop off rates. Consider dropping these videos from the platform and using them as examples of what not to look for in new video content.

Platform Trends

Monitor trends in overall platform usage to ensure it continues to grow and you're getting value from your license. Identify when learners find time for videos during their busy weeks so you can time your promotional activities accordingly.

Analyze individual videos for instructional design insights.

Watershed gives you the tools to drill down into individual Kaltura videos and explore what’s working and what’s not.

  • Discover where learners typically stop watching. Understanding drop-off points can help you identify particular video features of content that put learners off. Use these insights to improve existing videos and learn lessons for future ones.
  • Identify popular video segments. Knowing which sections learners keep returning to shows which parts of the video represent your best, most relevant content. You can use these insights to see what parts of the content you should be publishing as standalone videos and use these insights to produce shorter, more impactful videos next time.

Monitor video platform usage across your organization.

Combine HRIS data with Kaltura video interaction data for deeper insights into how your people use video. This includes:

  • Compare platform usage by department. Identify the parts of your organization finding the most value in your video content so you can share their stories to inspire others. Identify those departments that aren’t engaging with Kaltura so that you can explore why that is.
  • Identify popular videos per job role. Find out which videos are most popular among people with a particular job role so that you can promote those videos to new starters in those roles.

How do I convince my stakeholders?

The enhanced insights you get from connecting Watershed with Kaltura allow you to continuously improve your learning programs and the quality that learners experience.

However, we know that getting buy-in from stakeholders can be challenging. That’s why we’ve put this handy guide together to get you moving:

Is It Working? The Business Case for Learning Content Analytics

How does Watershed work with Kaltura?

Kaltura sends data to Watershed via xAPI. This means that data is sent in real time as learners interact with videos so that your reports are always up to date. You’ll have instant access to insights around your video content and learner behavior via our dashboards and reports.

Don’t forget that you can gain insights across your entire learning ecosystem by combining your Kaltura data with other data sources including:

What data is included?

Kaltura tracks the following events:

  • Platform logins
  • Social events, including when learners like or comment on a video (the text of the comment is not tracked)
  • Video events (This includes when the video has started and when the learner reached the end of the video. It also includes when the learner watches through the 25%, 50% and 75% milestones in the video.)

All this data is sent to Watershed for reporting and analytics.

While our implementation team will take care of all of the details when importing your Kaltura data into our learning record store, you may find these resources helpful:

How do I get started?

To get started, talk to your Watershed account manager. If you’re not already a Watershed customer, request a demo to get started.

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