Explore Detailed Gomo eLearning Course Analytics in Watershed

Watershed gives you in-depth, eLearning analytics on Gomo course slides, interactions, questions, and assessments.

Are your Gomo elearning courses working? How long do learners spend on each part of a course? Which slides, sub-screens, and interactions do learners use? And what topics do learners misunderstand in the assessment? Find the answers to your questions with Gomo data in Watershed.

Watershed empowers you to make data-driven decisions with easy-to-use dashboards and customizable reports. Your employees, managers and L&D teams can make informed decisions and spot trends  like  never before.

Once you’ve connected Watershed with Gomo, you can add other data sources to build  a complete picture of  your learner behavior and program performance across your entire ecosystem.

Understand your content and learner behavior with enhanced eLearning analytics.

With Gomo eLearning course and quiz data in Watershed, you can report on:

High-Level Course Metrics

Report on course completion, success, score, and time taken. This includes comparing groups and cohorts via integration with your HRIS hierarchy information.


Line managers can check people’s attempts and scores with team leaderboards.

Question Responses

Analyze how learners respond to questions, including how long they take to answer and which options they select. This helps you identify questions that may need improvement or learner knowledge gaps and misconceptions.

High-Level Course Metrics

Report on course completion, success, score, and time taken. This includes comparing groups and cohorts via integration with your HRIS hierarchy information.


Line managers can check people’s attempts and scores with team leaderboards.

Question Responses

Analyze how learners respond to questions, including how long they take to answer and which options they select. This helps you identify questions that may need improvement or learner knowledge gaps and misconceptions.

Get detailed xAPI tracking—even if your LMS only does SCORM.

You can configure Gomo Learning courses published for SCORM to send detailed xAPI tracking data to Watershed. So even if you upload them to an LMS which doesn’t support xAPI, you can still report on the rich details you need to analyze and improve your content.

For example, learner question response data can help you understand common misconceptions to address them in your content. This data can also help you to identify and fix poorly written questions.

Skip the configuration with quick, report-ready templates.

Watershed’s Activity report provides all the visualizations needed to explore your elearning course data in one rapid-configuration report. Choose the course you want to report on, name the report, and save it. The Activity report includes:

  • Overview of overall completions, successes, and failures and by organizational unit.
  • A score distribution chart for analyzing learner performance.
  • A leaderboard of first/last/best scores per learner with interaction history.
  • Charts showing scores, completions, successes, and completion time over time to monitor trends in performance.
  • Organizational unit comparison tables.
  • Question-by-question results, including how many people chose each option and the average time taken per question (where the data is available). This uses specially designed visualizations chosen for each interaction type (e.g. multiple choice, matching, sequence, etc.)
  • Question analysis identifies easy or hard questions and questions with a high or low correlation of success with overall quiz success. You can use this analysis to identify questions that need to be reviewed and potentially re-written to improve the assessment.

More data means more L&D insights.

Combine your Gomo data with HRIS and business data for deeper insights, including:

  • Filtering reporting to a specific department or team.
  • Comparing the performance of different parts of the organization.
  • Evaluating learning’s impact on business metrics and job performance.

How do I convince my stakeholders?

The enhanced insights you get from connecting Watershed with Gomo allow you to continuously improve your learning programs and the quality that learners experience.

However, we know that getting buy-in from stakeholders can be challenging. That’s why we’ve put this handy guide together to get you moving:

Is It Working? The Business Case for Learning Content Analytics

How does Watershed work with Gomo?

However you publish your course, and whether you use Gomo hosting or not, you can send tracking data to Watershed via xAPI. This means that you can report on your data in near real-time as learners complete the course.

Don’t forget that you can gain insights across your entire learning ecosystem by combining your Gomo data with other data sources including:

How do I get started?

This help guide explains how to connect your Gomo courses to Watershed. xAPI data from your course will flow into Watershed where you can report on the data in our Activity report, specifically designed for reporting on eLearning course data.

What data is included?

Gomo tracks learners throughout the eLearning course. This includes:

  • Course completion and success status
  • Overall time taken and scores
  • Slide views and time taken
  • Question responses

While our implementation team will take care of all of the details when importing your Gomo data into our learning record store, you may find these resources helpful:

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